
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Specialist


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Syama Tailings Storage Facilities

Syama Tailings Storage Facilities



Project Manager for the OTSF and FTSF (oxide and flotation tailings) for Syama Project Mali. Site visit and evaluation of borrow area for tailings storage, data review, development of conceptual design and adjustments to the adjacent aerodrome design to accommodate the OTSF. Direction of design of the containment embankment using insitu materials supplemented with mine waste, evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Syama Tailings Storage Facilities

Syama Tailings Storage Facilities



Project Manager for the Tailings Storage Strategy Study for 4 tailings streams from the Syama Project Mali. Evaluation of options for combined process streams, water recovery tailings handling (thickened and filtered) for the life of mine tailings storage.