
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Specialist


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Commodity: Graphite

Balama Graphite

Project Geotechnical Consultant to Syrah Resources for the bituminous lined Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), plant site foundations and roads. Evaluation of DFS data prepared by others and preparation of recommendations, process water, mine waste and TSF for thickened tailings for the initial 40-year life of project. In mid-2018 consideration of the change to dry stacked tailings commenced.

Mozambique, East Africa

Humid Savannah

Commodity: Graphite

Balama Graphite

Project Geotechnical Consultant to Twigg Mining and Exploration Limitada for their proposed conversion from thickened tailings to a Dry Stacked Tailings Storage Facility (DSTSF). Evaluation of data and preparation of the preliminary study leading to the PFS for dry stacking for the remaining 38-year life of project.

Mozambique, East Africa

Humid Savannah