
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Specialist


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DeGrussa Oxide Project Sandfire Resources NL.

DeGrussa Oxide Project Sandfire Resources NL.


Project Manager for evaluation and design of a heap leach facility and TSF (thickened tailings). Preparation of concepts (start up through to closure), evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

BC Iron Mardie Salt Project

BC Iron Mardie Salt Project


High level advice for the geotechnical aspects of the Prefeasibility Study for the design of the evaporation pond, crystallisers and process plant.

DeGrussa Project Sandfire Resources NL

Roy Hill Project

Roy Hill Project


Project Geotechnical Consultant, for In-pit Tailings Storage Facilities (IPTSFs). Geotechnical tailings testing, including Centrifuge testing to optimise tailings deposition, high-level forward planning to 2049 and closure development for the IPTSFs