
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Specialist


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Commodity: Iron Ore

West Angelas Project

Geotechnical investigations (geological mapping boreholes, costeans and testpits) for the proposed 370km railway line and infrastructure at West Angelas and Cape Lambert.

Commodity: Vanadium

Windimurra Vanadium Project

Project reviewer for the Tailings Storage Facility designed by others. Gaps in the design identified and recommendations provided for improvements to the design. Scoping study for redesign of the TSFs.

Commodity: Vanadium

Windimurra Vanadium Project – Mt Magnet WA

Extensive tailings testing programme for tailings from the magnetic separation and calcine tailings circuits; Design of TSF; Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works; Co-ordination of fieldwork, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Commodity: Nickel

WMC Resources Ltd, Kambalda Nickel Operations

Advice on design concepts (start up through to closure), operation, audits, inspections, management reviews, advice on seepage, stability, tailings deposition, water recovery and preparation of tailings disposal strategy plans.

Commodity: Nickel

Yakabindie Nickel Project

Project Manager for the Yakabindie Nickel Project with responsibility for: Geotechnical investigations of the plant site tailings storage and flood diversion channels including supervision of all fieldwork, laboratory testing and preparation of reports. Preparation of the Consultative Environmental Review for the project including management of sub-consultants for fauna, flora, groundwater, surface water and ethnographic studies and preparation of the final report. Liaison with Department of Mines, Environmental Protection Authority and other Government Departments, Process Consultants and clients. Design of the project tailings storage facilities.

Commodity: Iron Ore

Yandi Stage 1 Iron Ore Project

Project Manager with responsibility for Geotechnical investigations (geological mapping boreholes, costeans and testpits) for the proposed 32km railway line, load out facility and accommodation facility. Organisation and supervision of all fieldwork for more than 20 cuttings along the railway alignment, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports. Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works.

Commodity: Iron Ore

Yandi Stage 2 Iron Ore Project

Project Manager with responsibility for Geotechnical investigations (geological mapping boreholes, costeans and testpits) for the proposed 10km railway line, load out facility and bridge. Organisation of all fieldwork for more than 10 cuttings along the railway alignment, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports. Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works.

Commodity: Gold

Yilgarn Star

Advice on design concepts (start up through to closure), operation, audits, inspections, management reviews, advice on seepage, stability, tailings deposition, water recovery and preparation of tailings disposal strategy plans.

Commodity: Gold

Youanmi Gold Mine

Advice on design concepts (start up through to closure), operation, audits, inspections, management reviews, advice on seepage, stability, tailings deposition, water recovery and preparation of tailings disposal strategy plans.