
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Specialist


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Commodity: Aluminium

Ma’aden Aluminum Projects

Project Manager for the Stage 1 Residue Storage Facility (RSF) at the refinery site. Evaluation and design of the HDPE lined facilities (Cells 1 and 2) for the refinery waste. Preparation of concepts, evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Saudi Arabia

Hyper Arid

Commodity: Copper

Jabal Sayid Project for Bariq Mining

Project Manager for the geotechnical aspects of mine infrastructure, including the plant site and the tailings storage facility. Evaluation of filtered tailings in a HDPE lined valley TSF (start up through to closure). Preparation of evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Saudi Arabia

Hyper Arid

Commodity: Aluminium

Ma’aden Aluminum Projects

Project Manager for the Stage 1 Residue Storage Facility (RSF) at the refinery site. Evaluation and design of the HDPE lined facilities (Cells 1 and 2) for the refinery waste. Preparation of concepts, evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Saudi Arabia

Hyper Arid