
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) Specialist


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Marandoo Iron Ore Project

Marandoo Iron Ore Project



Project Manager with responsibility for: Fieldwork for the selecting and proving of a quarry site for aggregates suitable for concrete, road sealing and ballast, investigation of a 120km rail alignment and 22km access road. Coordination and management of geotechnical team, liaison with Project Design Team, preparation of reports for all aspects of the project. Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works.

Yandi Stage 1 Iron Ore Project

Yandi Stage 1 Iron Ore Project



Project Manager with responsibility for Geotechnical investigations (geological mapping boreholes, costeans and testpits) for the proposed 32km railway line, load out facility and accommodation facility. Organisation and supervision of all fieldwork for more than 20 cuttings along the railway alignment, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports. Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works.

Mesa J Iron Ore Project

Mesa J Iron Ore Project



Project Director / Project Manager with responsibility for Extensive tailings testing programme and design of the Inpit TSF. Geotechnical investigations (boreholes and testpits) for the plant sites (PP1 and PP2). Liaison with client and Governments for tailings storage approvals. Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works.

Yandi Stage 2 Iron Ore Project

Yandi Stage 2 Iron Ore Project



Project Manager with responsibility for Geotechnical investigations (geological mapping boreholes, costeans and testpits) for the proposed 10km railway line, load out facility and bridge. Organisation of all fieldwork for more than 10 cuttings along the railway alignment, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports. Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works.

Windimurra Vanadium Project

Windimurra Vanadium Project



Extensive tailings testing programme for tailings from the magnetic separation and calcine tailings circuits; Design of TSF; Liaison and site visits during construction to monitor the progress of the works; Co-ordination of fieldwork, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Project Magnet for OneSteel

Project Magnet for OneSteel



Project Manager including geotechnical investigations (boreholes and testpits) for the proposed plant site and TSF design concepts (start up through to closure) and documentation including co-ordination of fieldwork, laboratory test work and preparation of factual and evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Groote Eylandt for GEMCO

Groote Eylandt for GEMCO



Project Manager for IWL design and documentation including co-ordination of fieldwork; laboratory test work and preparation of concepts (start up through to closure); evaluation reports; technical review; presentations for regulatory authorities and client liaison.

Prominent Hill Project for Oxiana Limited

Prominent Hill Project for Oxiana Limited



Project Manager for IWL design and documentation including co-ordination of fieldwork, laboratory test work and preparation of concepts (start up through to closure), evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.

Kanmantoo Project for Hillgrove Copper Limited

Kanmantoo Project for Hillgrove Copper Limited



Project Manager for IWL design (double HDPE lined) design and documentation including co-ordination of fieldwork, laboratory test work and preparation of concepts (start up through to closure); evaluation reports; technical review; presentations for regulatory authorities and public meeting; and client liaison.

Ayanfuri Project for Perseus Mining Limited

Ayanfuri Project for Perseus Mining Limited



Project Manager for evaluation of valley type TSF for flotation tailings and a double HDPE lined TSF for concentrate tailings including preparation of concepts (start up through to closure), evaluation reports, technical review and client liaison.